import nextcord from nextcord.ext import commands, application_checks from nextcord import TextInputStyle import traceback import random import aiosqlite as sqlite3 import aiohttp from urllib.parse import urlparse import os import sys class threadsummary(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, bot: commands.Bot): = bot @nextcord.slash_command( name="threadsummary", description="Generate a list of created threads with the owner", default_member_permissions=nextcord.Permissions(manage_messages=True), ) async def threadsummary(self, interaction: nextcord.Interaction): if != nextcord.ChannelType.text: await interaction.response.send_message("This is not a text channel", ephemeral=True) return message = f"Active threads in {}\n" for t in if t.archived: continue message = message + f"<@{t.owner_id}>: {t.jump_url}\n" await interaction.response.send_message(message, allowed_mentions=nextcord.AllowedMentions.none()) @commands.Cog.listener('on_thread_update') async def threadupdatehandler(self, before: nextcord.Thread, after: nextcord.Thread): pins = await after.parent.pins() for t in pins: if == and t.content.split("\n")[0] == f"Active threads in {after.parent.jump_url}": message = f"Active threads in {after.parent.jump_url}\n" for p in after.parent.threads: if p.archived: continue message = message + f"<@{p.owner_id}>: {p.jump_url}\n" await t.edit(message) return @commands.Cog.listener('on_thread_create') async def threacreatehandler(self, thread: nextcord.Thread): pins = await thread.parent.pins() print(pins, file=sys.stderr) for t in pins: if == and t.content.split("\n")[0] == f"Active threads in {thread.parent.jump_url}": message = f"Active threads in {thread.parent.jump_url}\n" for p in thread.parent.threads: if p.archived: continue message = message + f"<@{p.owner_id}>: {p.jump_url}\n" await t.edit(message) return @commands.Cog.listener('on_thread_delete') async def threaddelhandler(self, thread: nextcord.Thread): pins = await thread.parent.pins() for t in pins: if == and t.content.split("\n")[0] == f"Active threads in {thread.parent.jump_url}": message = f"Active threads in {thread.parent.jump_url}\n" for p in thread.parent.threads: if p.archived: continue message = message + f"<@{p.owner_id}>: {p.jump_url}\n" await t.edit(message) return def setup(bot: commands.Bot): bot.add_cog(threadsummary(bot))