import nextcord from nextcord.ext import commands, application_checks from nextcord import TextInputStyle import random import aiosqlite as sqlite3 import aiohttp from urllib.parse import urlparse import os class TurnModal(nextcord.ui.Modal): def __init__(self,message,turnping): self.message = message self.turnping = turnping super().__init__( f"set turn message/context" ) self.text = nextcord.ui.TextInput( label="text", placeholder="text", style=TextInputStyle.paragraph, max_length=1700, ) self.add_item(self.text) async def callback(self, interaction: nextcord.Interaction) -> None: await interaction.response.edit_message(content=self.message) await interaction.followup.send(f"<{self.turnping}> it is now your turn!\n{self.text.value}") class GameView(nextcord.ui.View): def __init__(self): super().__init__(timeout=None) @nextcord.ui.button( label="Next Turn",, custom_id="gameutils:nextturn" ) async def nextturn(self, button: nextcord.ui.Button, interaction: nextcord.Interaction): ogmsg = interaction.message.content.split("\n") turnmessage = ogmsg[0] ogmsg.pop(0) message = f"{turnmessage}\n" found = False turnover = False for i in range(len(ogmsg)): if ogmsg[i].startswith("~"): message = f"{message}{ogmsg[i]}\n" continue if not found: newmsg = "~~" + ogmsg[i] + "~~" message = message + newmsg + "\n" found = True try: turnping = ogmsg[i+1].split("<")[1].split(">")[0] except IndexError: message = message + "The round is over" turnover = True continue else: message = message + ogmsg[i] + "\n" if turnover: await interaction.response.edit_message(content=message,view=None) try: await interaction.message.unpin() except: pass await interaction.followup.send(f"The round has concluded") else: await interaction.response.send_modal(TurnModal(message,turnping)) return class gameutils(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, bot: commands.Bot): = bot #errors if first loaded but is needed after try: except: pass @commands.Cog.listener('on_ready') async def gameready(self): @nextcord.slash_command( name="turngen", description="Roll the next turn for a certian role", guild_ids=[1247883904178978927,699285282276507708], default_member_permissions=nextcord.Permissions(manage_roles=True), ) @nextcord.ext.application_checks.has_permissions(manage_roles=True) async def turngen(self, interaction: nextcord.Interaction, role: nextcord.Role, turnmessage: str, disadvantagerole: nextcord.Role = nextcord.SlashOption(required=False)): message = f"{turnmessage}\n" users = role.members if disadvantagerole: disusers = disadvantagerole.members users = list(set(users) - set(disusers)) random.shuffle(users) for i in range(len(users)): message = message + f"{str(i+1)}\. <@{users[i].id}>\n" if disadvantagerole: random.shuffle(disusers) for i in range(len(disusers)): message = message + f"{str(i+1+len(users))}\. <@{disusers[i].id}> **disadventage**\n" sentmsg = await interaction.response.send_message(message, view=GameView(), allowed_mentions=nextcord.AllowedMentions.none()) try: sentmsg = await sentmsg.fetch() await except: pass await interaction.followup.send(f"<@{users[0].id}> it is now your turn!") @nextcord.slash_command( name="dice", description="Roll a number of dice", guild_ids=[1247883904178978927,699285282276507708], ) async def diceroll(self, interaction: nextcord.Interaction, number: int, sides: int, hidden: str = nextcord.SlashOption(choices=["Yes", "No"])): message = f"May the odds ever be in your favor...\n" for d in range(number): message = message + f":game_die: {str(d+1)}. {str(random.randint(1, sides))}\n" if hidden == "Yes": await interaction.response.send_message(message, ephemeral=True) else: await interaction.response.send_message(message, ephemeral=False) def setup(bot: commands.Bot): bot.add_cog(gameutils(bot))