import nextcord from nextcord.ext import commands from nextcord import TextInputStyle from dotenv import load_dotenv from random import randint import aiosqlite as sqlite3 import requests import json import traceback import sys from datetime import datetime import base64 from urllib.parse import urlparse import os class BlogModal(nextcord.ui.Modal): def __init__(self,endpoint,credentials): self.endpoint = endpoint self.credentials = credentials super().__init__( f"create a post" ) = nextcord.ui.TextInput( label="Title", placeholder="Why pasta is better than bread", style=TextInputStyle.short, max_length=100, ) self.add_item( = nextcord.ui.TextInput( label="Author", placeholder="insertapp", style=TextInputStyle.short, max_length=32, ) self.add_item( self.catergory = nextcord.ui.TextInput( label="catergory id, if you don't know put 1", placeholder="1", style=TextInputStyle.short, max_length=2, ) self.add_item(self.catergory) self.content = nextcord.ui.TextInput( label="content", placeholder="words...", style=TextInputStyle.paragraph, max_length=4000, ) self.add_item(self.content) self.contenttwo = nextcord.ui.TextInput( label="contenttwo", placeholder="optional more words...", required = False, style=TextInputStyle.paragraph, max_length=4000, ) self.add_item(self.contenttwo) async def callback(self, interaction: nextcord.Interaction) -> None: token = base64.b64encode(self.credentials.encode()) dt = date = dt.isoformat() fromatedtitle = f"{} by {}" formatedcontent = str(self.content.value)+" " + str(self.contenttwo.value) catergory = int(self.catergory.value) header = {'Authorization': 'Basic ' + token.decode('utf-8')} post = { 'title' : fromatedtitle, 'status' : 'pending', 'content' : formatedcontent, 'categories': catergory, 'date' : date } responce =, headers=header, json=post) await interaction.response.send_message(f"<@666378959184855042> someone posted to the blog, you should probably approve it {responce.status_code}") async def on_error(self, error: nextcord.DiscordException, interaction: nextcord.Interaction): error = traceback.format_exc() print(error, file=sys.stderr) message = f"```py\n{error[-1800:]}\n```\n Contact the bot owner if the error persists" try: await interaction.send(message, ephemeral=True) except: try: await interaction.followup.send(message, ephemeral=True) except: await interaction.response.send_message(message, ephemeral=True) class wordpress(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, bot: commands.Bot): = bot @nextcord.slash_command( name="blog", description="create a blog post", ) async def blog(self, interaction: nextcord.Interaction): await interaction.response.send_modal(BlogModal("", def setup(bot: commands.Bot): bot.add_cog(wordpress(bot))