import disnake from disnake.ext import commands from disnake import TextInputStyle from dotenv import load_dotenv from random import randint import aiosqlite as sqlite3 import requests import json from datetime import datetime import base64 from urllib.parse import urlparse import os class ApplicationModal(disnake.ui.Modal): def __init__(self,endpoint,credentials): self.endpoint = endpoint self.credentials = credentials components = [ disnake.ui.TextInput( label="Title", placeholder="Why pasta is better than bread", custom_id="title", style=TextInputStyle.short, max_length=100, ), disnake.ui.TextInput( label="Author", placeholder="insertapp", custom_id="author", style=TextInputStyle.short, max_length=32, ), disnake.ui.TextInput( label="catergory id, if you don't know put 1", placeholder="1", custom_id="catergory", style=TextInputStyle.short, max_length=2, ), disnake.ui.TextInput( label="content", placeholder="words...", custom_id="content", style=TextInputStyle.paragraph, max_length=4000, ), disnake.ui.TextInput( label="content2", placeholder="optional more words...", required = False, custom_id="content2", style=TextInputStyle.paragraph, max_length=4000, ), ] super().__init__(title=f"create a post", components=components) async def callback(self, inter: disnake.ModalInteraction): filledoutresponse = inter.text_values values = list(filledoutresponse.values()) token = base64.b64encode(self.credentials.encode()) dt = date = dt.isoformat() fromatedtitle = f"{values[0]} by {values[1]}" formatedcontent = str(values[3])+" " + str(values[4]) catergory = int(values[2]) header = {'Authorization': 'Basic ' + token.decode('utf-8')} post = { 'title' : fromatedtitle, 'status' : 'pending', 'content' : formatedcontent, 'categories': catergory, 'date' : date } responce =, headers=header, json=post) await inter.response.send_message("<@666378959184855042> someone posted to the blog, you should probably approve it") class wordpress(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, bot: commands.Bot): = bot @commands.slash_command( name="blog", description="create a blog post", ) async def blog(self, inter: disnake.ApplicationCommandInteraction): await inter.response.send_modal(modal=ApplicationModal("", def setup(bot: commands.Bot): bot.add_cog(wordpress(bot))