Social groups for the fediverse - making it easy to connect and meet new people based on shared interests without the manipulation of your attention to maximize ad revenue nor the walled garden lock-in of capitalist social media.
This server-2-server ActivityPub implementation adds decentralized, federaded "groups" support across all ActivityPub compliant social media networks. Users join groups by following group-type actors on Guppe servers and contribute to groups by mentioning those same actors in a post. Guppe group actors will automatically forward posts they receive to all group members so that everyone in the group sees any post made to the group. Guppe group actors' profiles (e.g. outboxes) also serve as a group discussion history.
| PROXY_MODE | Enable use behind an SSL-terminating proxy or load balancer, serves over http instead of https and sets Express `trust proxy` setting to the value of `PROXY_MODE` (e.g. `1`, [other options]( See note. |
**Notes on use with a reverse proxy**: When setting proxyMode, you must ensure your reverse proxy sets the following headers: X-Forwarded-For, X-Forwarded-Host, and X-Forwarded-Proto (example for nginx below).